Monday, February 23, 2009

Tutorial Three What is a blog?

A blog is a personal diary with links to site appropriate to me, my interests and my friends. I can include my personal thoughts and photos of things or activities happening in my life. Really it is what ever I want it to be. No two will be the same as the things I chose to upload and have links to will be different from anyone else's.

I can go into my blog at any time and write my diary where my invited friends can then go and have a look and read and even add their own comments. I can add anything that I feel I would like to share with others. It is also a forum to keep in touch with friends and family while away from home. You can post photos of your time away that they can view and keep up to date with.
The blog allow me to access who can read or view my site. But people can write to me asking to be a "friend" and I can decided if I will allow them to become a "friend".

Officially blogging started in 1999, and have reshaped the web, impacted politics, and journalism and enabled millions of people to have a voice and be connected with others.

Tutorial Two Technical Description Digital Cameras

Describe the difference between new and old technology re digital cameras.
A few pluses for todays digital cameras are the ease of their use, they allow fro easy printing which is able to be done on a home computer or visit a shop like Harvey Norman and get them to print them out. You are also able to delete any photos you do not like, which allows you to retake a shot at the time rather than being disappointed when you finally manage to get them printed in the old days. Digital photos can also easily be saved to your computer or discs and can also be easily added to reports or emailed to friends.

Some disadvantages are that you may need a lot of equipment to download and print from home e.g. computer, printer, discs, camera itself. Storage onto the computer may result in a loss of all photos if your computer crashes. Unless you have physical copies of photos that are nice to have and show around you have to open up your computer or show what you have still on your phone. Having a digital camera can get people used to having their photo taken as they are so common today that you can loose the surprise element and people say they were not ready so ask you to take another.

Some of the ways a digital image can be stored, transfered or manipulated using other communications are using a photoshop programme, store to a disc, put on line e.g. a blog site, sent and received in emails, on video and dvds.

Ethical Issues that may arise from photos taken may be gaining informed consent from those in the photos, letting them know who will see them, how they will be stored. In practice it may need to be asked who has access, are they safe and not just available to anyone who may think this is a nice photo, I will use it and put it in my report or on-line. It is also very easy for people to take photos now and the subjects may not even know they have been taken. There have been instances of people going up before the courts as they have used cameras to take photos of people in bathrooms etc. It is also very easy for photos to be manipulated and edited with technology available. As OT's we would have a responsibility to the clients and also to the practice setting where we are working.

Some ways that technology is being used in OT practices today are report writing, company reports and policies, staff photos, home modifications and visits.

The site "flickr" is a way of sharing and storing your photos with others. It is an on-line photo management and sharing application.

Other photo storage websites which also offer a similar service to "flickr" are photo bucket, you tube, and snap fish.

The difference between a digital and optical zoom is a digital zoom crops the image to a smaller size and then enlarges the cropped portion to fill the frame again. Optical zoom works like a zoom lens on a film camera with the lens changing the vocal length and magnification as it is zoomed. Optical zoom has better clarity and quality.

Wikipedia says that the term "megapixel" stands for one million pixels and is a term used for the number of pixels in an image.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Tutorial One Information Technology and Ethical Issues

Information Technology (or IT) is described as “the technology involved in acquiring, storing, processing distributing information by electronic means.” Collin, S. (2003). Dictionary of science and technology. London: Bloomsbury Publishing.

Information technology encompasses many common items in todays environment. Many of these services were not available 10-15 years ago. Some common areas include books, electronic books, power point presentations, mobile phones and telephones, satellites, hard drives, old friends, GPS systems, blackberry, IPods, MP3 players, DVD, gaming consoles and email.

Myself, I am comfortable using a number of the ones listed above, although I am still getting used to and a little reluctant to have too much information on personal bog sites. I do enjoy texting and receiving them back, and use this as a form of mini communication and to touch base with others. I have recently purchased a new DVD player with a hard drive which I just love, the ease of use in recording is great. Although I am still getting used to all the features it has and probably will not utilise them all.

In my latest placement in Nelson, Information Technology was utilised fairly routinely with cameras, desk top computers that were shared by a few users as were the printers, although there were no laptops insight. Access of information is via a large hospital IT department where they have access to an Intranet in-house service and on line data. Mobile phones were taken by the OT's and Nurses if they were to leave the inpatient setting with clients just in case communication was required. there were many times when someone out in the car was phoned and called on to do an extra task or pick up an extra client.

There are some ethical considerations to be considered when using systems that many people can access, thinking about those who need to access the information and whether others do not need the same access. In this particular setting they were fairly relaxed about letting a student access the Hospital Intranet and their own log ins as we did not have one of our own. It is possible this could be abused, although ti seems fairly unlikely as the students are there to learn. We also had access to client information and files on line which is very confidential.

Computer Ethics is defined as "a set of moral principles that regulate the use of computers. Some common issues of computer ethics include intellectual property rights (such as copyrighted electronic content), privacy concerns, and how computers affect society." Retrieved from

Intellectual Property is defined as “an idea, a design, that some body has created and that the law prevents other people from copying.” Hornby, A. S. (2005). Oxford advanced learner’s dictionary of current English. Oxford: University Press.

Social Justice is defined as "Fair and proper administration of laws conforming to the natural law that all persons, irrespective of ethnic origin, gender, possessions, race, religion, etc, are to be treated equally and without prejudice." Retrieved from

Informed Consent was described as an “agreement to a procedure, typically a surgical one, in the full knowledge of the risks.” The Penguin Dictionary. (2003). Allen R (ed). England: Penguin Group

By keeping in mind the aspects of ethics, property, justice and consent within our practice, we are protecting both ourselves and the client and keeping us all safe. We do need to be aware of any online information and who has access to it and possibly take steps to keep some information blocked to everyone.

It is possible that once photos or information has gone on line to lose control of that information. Another reason why Information Technology understanding is to keep up to date with the technology as it progresses, this allows us to be better informed which may then benefit our clients.

Some aspects that are not so good about technology is the ability to hide behind what is put on line as in dating sites or blogs. It has been know for reporters to search these sites when a person of interest is in the news. this is not necessarily a true reflection of a person and they have not necessarily condoned this information about themselves. This may take away some of the accountability for the user and it can also interfere with family time if too much home time is spent on computers instead of spending time playing with the children or spending quality time with partners or friends.